1. TramitApp Academy
  2. Internal Communication

Internal Communication Features

The internal communication module in TramitApp is articulated through four features that make communication between the company and the employee simpler and more fluid.

Boosting internal communication in companies is one of the goals of TramitApp. To achieve this, in addition to the management of processes, the employees of your company can access the four features that make up our communication platform.

  • Sending documentation: From Company, in the employee documents tab, you can upload documents that will be accessible to all TramitApp employees.
  • Asking HR: From Processes - Communication - Ask HR, employees can send all their questions directly to the human resources department, even attaching files.Group 28-1
    The TramitApp administrators will see these inquiries in the list of processes, from where they can respond to them.
  • Suggestions: From Processes - Communication - Suggestions, the employees of your company can send all their suggestions to the human resources department.
    The platform administrators will see these suggestions directly in one of the modules of the dashboard.
  • Bulletin Board: The bulletin board in TramitApp allows employees to access the list of news or blog of your company directly from the platform. This feature is only accessible from the TramitApp web platform and to configure it you can contact our Customer Success team.

*The Ask HR and Suggestions features are only accessible as an employee. Since their goal is to facilitate communication between employees and the HR department.