How to configure the work quadrant

Configure notifications and alerts, the data displayed, and customize the colors for days off or absences in the quadrant.

To configure the Quadrant and the different sections we will review, go to Settings⚙️ > Configure Quadrant.


Configure the Sending of Clockings reminders

The clock-in reminder sends push notifications via the app to employees if they forget to clock in, based on their schedule in the Quadrant.

To activate it, go to the first Notifications section and check the box Send clock-in reminders to employees who have not clocked in via app notifications.


With this option active, you can specify whether to activate the notification for the start and/or end of the workday. Employees will then receive a push notification on their mobile if they miss clocking in at the start or end of the day, reminding them to register it.

To receive clock-in reminder notifications, the employee must have the TramitApp Employee app installed on their mobile device. Additionally, they must enable notifications for the app (they need to activate them in their mobile settings under notifications/notification permissions and find the TramitApp Employee app).

👉 If you want the employee to also receive reminders via email, contact Support.

Hide Quadrant Information

There are various options to configure which information is visible or hidden in the employees' quadrant.

General View

  • Hide Schedule Text: You can configure whether or not to display the entry/exit/break times in the Quadrant. To hide it, check the "Hide schedule text" box.

This way, the quadrant will not display this information.

  • Hide Alert Information: You can configure whether or not to display alerts in the quadrant. These are silent notifications (shown with a yellow symbol in the quadrant) that inform if employees are clocking in before or after their scheduled time, working overtime, missing clock-ins, etc.

If you do not want this warning to be visible, check the "Hide alert information" box. If the box is not checked, you can specify a time margin for displaying these alerts. Once the margin is entered, click the Save button to apply the changes.

Monthly/Annual Balance View

Within the Quadrant, you can see different sections in the annual or monthly balance.

You can configure (in Configure Quadrant) whether to hide the display of the following counters in the monthly or annual balance:


  • Hide Holidays Counter
  • Hide Days Off Counter
  • Hide Planned working time for Employees
  • Hide Annual Workday Calculation for Employees

Customize Colors

As the name suggests, you can customize the colors used in the quadrant for the following sections: day off, vacation, medical leave, paid leave, recoverable leave, personal matters, teleworking.
