How to manage employees' overtime in TramitApp

Overtime hours, reported and managed by employees on the platform, can be converted into rest time through the personal affairs bank or create a payroll incident. We show you how in this article.

To manage our employees' overtime procedures, we go to the top menu to the Requests section > Requests list and locate ourselves in the left tab for Overtime and Absences. Here - depending on the role we play within the platform - we click on Teams (if we are responsible for a team) or All (if we are platform administrators). In this example, we click on All to see all the procedures of all employees.


We filter for overtime procedures by clicking on the Funnel symbol > Types > Overtime and then clicking outside. This way we can visualize it better and see only this type of procedure. By default, the platform shows us those that are pending.



By clicking on the requests, we can see the request data, the employee's name, the date on which the overtime was performed, the total number of overtime hours carried out, from what time to what time they were performed, etc.

From here, we can manage the request, Approve it, or Reject itovertime_4We can also enter the request by clicking on "Edit" to leave a comment for the employee, approve or reject the procedure, or modify it if necessary.


To manage this procedure, we can take different actions:

  • Approve the request and convert the hours to rest time. In this way, we would exchange it for personal affairs hours, converting these hours into personal affairs time. Thus, the employee can enjoy those worked overtime hours by requesting personal affairs time off. 
  • Approve the request and not convert it into rest time. In such a way that a payroll incident will be generated so that this overtime procedure will be paid.
By converting them into rest time and accumulating personal affairs hours, we can compensate them at different ratios (one extra hour for one personal affairs hour, for example) or increase the ratio to convert it into more rest time.overtime_7

This time we will change it to Personal leave by clicking on the green button. The procedure will be managed and will go to that personal affairs time bank so that the employee can rest. If we do not generate this procedure and simply approve the overtime request, that procedure will create a payroll incident so that we know in that period the overtime procedures that need to be paid in the payroll.

We can change the status of the overtime requests at any time, opening the Funnel symbol > States we can search for other states. This way we will see those that are in "approved" status and we can check those that have been converted into personal affairs time and those that have not, reviewing the message at the top of the procedure. We could also do this afterwards by marking it as "rest time" and indicating the conversion ratio we want for this procedure. Likewise, this action can be undone by returning the procedure to overtime or complementary leaving some comments if we wanted to.