Teams and collectives in TramitApp

Among the customizations that TramitApp offers, you can configure the profile of your company by grouping workers into different teams or collectives. In this post we tell you how to do it and the difference between a team and a collective.

From the configuration wheel, access Teams. Once here, you can create as many teams and/or collectives as you need and add the employees you consider. In this way, daily management will be even simpler.

Group 24

But what is the difference between a team and a collectives?

Teams are a hierarchical division of the workforce. When creating a team, an approval range is established between the team leader and the employees who belong to it. In this way, the leaders of each team can approve the procedures of the employees under their command, based on the permissions they have configured.

In this post, we show you how to configure a team.

Also, from Teams, you can also establish who the two people will be responsible for approving the procedures of the employees if you have the double approval policy activated. Discover how it works in the post: Configuring the double approval of procedures.

On the other hand, collectives are a distribution of the workforce that allow for segmented communication channels within a company. It's about forming collectives within the company that can share information independently, without the need for a hierarchical relationship between them. The leaders of each collective do not have the option of approving the procedures of the employees who are part of it.