Limit sign-ins through the web to an IP address

In TramitApp, it is possible to limit sign-ins through the website so that sign-ins are only possible from a specific IP address.

 If you use a fixed IP, it can be associated with the corresponding work center. In this way, workers can only sign in through the website if they are connected in that place. In this post, we will see how to add an IP address to one of the locations reported in our company.

To do this, we must click on the Configuration wheel > Locations.


Inside, we will check what locations are reported in our company, that is, the usual places of work. If you want to know how, in this other article we show you how to add a location.IP_2

Once the address of our location has been indicated, we can add the fixed IP address that we have established for our company.

  • If we know the IP information, we will indicate it in the Location IP field.
  • If we don't know the IP number but we are currently connected to it, we can click on Click here to use your current IP address so that TramitApp automatically fills in this information.


In this way, when we sign in and are connected to this IP address, it will automatically geolocate us at the address we have indicated.

If we have several fixed IP addresses, in order to report several of them, we must separate them by commas and indicate the next fixed IP address we have. We click on Save and the IP address would already be established.

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