What to check if there is an error in the shift exchange?

Check the following sections if the platform does not allow you to perform the shift exchange as you wish.

First, to carry out the procedure, we recommend that you consult this article where we explain step by step How to carry out a shift exhange.

After following the steps in the previous article, if we see that the shift exchange does not work, it may be due to one or several of the following aspects that we must review:

  • Positions (that are not the same or th.at do not exist). Both employees must have their job position informed on the platform. To perform the shift exchange, the job position must be the same. In this article, we explain Job position settings in TramitApp Smart Planner.

We can see the position or positions assigned to each employee by accessing their profile from People> People List. Once in their profile, we will go to the Configuration> Positions section. Here we can edit or add a new position for the worker.


We can see the locations assigned to each employee by accessing their profile from People> People List. Once in their profile, we will go to the Configuration> Locations section. Here we can edit or add a new location for the employee.


  • Absences. The platform takes into account employee absences. Therefore, it will detect if a worker has a sick leave, vacation, or other permissions, to not show that employee in the exchange during the period of their absence.
  • Contract hours. The stipulated work hours in the employee's contract cannot be exceeded. Therefore, we cannot perform the exchange if it means exceeding their stipulated hours.
  • Shifts on the same day. Employees can't exchange shifts for the same day. For example, they cannot exchange a Monday afternoon schedule for the same Monday night schedule. Shift exchanges must be on different days.
  • Shifts that do not comply with rest hours between shifts. The shifts that appear for exchange comply with the rest hours between shifts. If a certain shift does not appear for exchange, it may be because with this change, one or both workers would not comply with their rest hours between work shifts.
  • Non-compliance with weekly days off. If, for example, an employee must have at least 2 days off per week, it will not be possible to exchange with another worker if it means losing a day off.
  • Not being on the same team. We must check if the workers who want to perform the exchange belong to the same work team. In addition, these workers must have the option "members of this team share a calendar" marked. If not, when trying to perform the shift exchange, the work calendar will not appear to them. Here you can see How to configure a team?.